Casey Honda President’s Award


Casey Honda Wins the 2022 Honda President’s Award

In order to stay ahead of the constantly changing auto market, Honda has made themselves a leader in innovation, but they know that the human connection is just as important-if not more so-as the quality of their vehicles, and each year they honor dealerships that represent the Honda brand to its fullest.

Casey Honda has earned the prestigious 2022 President’s Award from American Honda Motor Co., Inc. for excellence in all business areas, including sales performance, sales experience, service performance, and business operations. Casey Honda is one of only 177 top-performing Honda dealerships in America (out of 1,017) to receive the Honda President’s award for 2022.

Many Factors Behind Casey’s Success

There is not one single reason why a dealership would be granted the President’s Award; Honda looks at a handful of factors, including:


  • Profitability: Simply put, Casey Honda needed to be a profitable dealership to qualify.
  • Sales: Of course, Honda is interested in dealerships putting their vehicles in garages all across the country, and incredible sales numbers are great for everyone involved.
  • Vehicle Condition Index: Honda issues a sales satisfaction survey to drivers who report the quality of their recent vehicle purchase. A dealership must have high year-to-date scores in order to win the President’s Award.
  • Customer Service Experience: The “Overall Satisfaction” part of the new driver survey must also earn high year-to-date ratings.
  • Brand Representation: Representing the Honda brand to the utmost of our ability is our primary goal at Casey Honda. Honda’s excellence as an automaker makes it a great model for customer service and satisfaction, and we’re proud to help put their vehicles in the homes of area drivers.


Visit a President’s Award-Winning Dealership

Not everyone can receive the President’s Award, and we cannot stress how great an honor it is to receive this recognition, to be named among the top Honda dealers in the country.

If you want to see a President’s Award-winning dealership in action, visit Casey Honda in Newport News today. Let us put you in the driver’s seat of a brand new Honda so you can experience some of the best design and engineering in the automotive world.